
Karte Baltrum is the smallest of the inhabited east Friesian islands. The island has an area of about 6.5 square kilometres and about 500 permanent inhabitants. the distances are short, but despite this Baltrum once had its own railway, even if it was "only" a freight only transport line in the 'field railway' track gauge of 600 mm, between 1949 and 1985. A narrow gauge line for luggage and freight transport ran between the dock and the freight shed about 300 m away. The Water and Shipping Authority (Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt, or WSA) also had its own rail connection with a locomotive from 1949. In 1960 the port was completely rebuilt, and from this point a Schoema built locomotive hauled wagons between the port and the shed, where the freight for the island-mainland-transfer was exchanged.

The Reederei-Baltrum shipping company built a new port and freight transfer shed, and three sidings were laid in the dock. In 1970 this was rebuilt and reduced to two tracks. From the port, the journey could go in two directions: Freight trains ran round a gentle curve and "Uphill" to the freight shed, which was raised high enough to be above the spring tides. This section was about 400 m long. Another line led west from the port. At first it ran straight along the dike, then directly to the building and equipment yard of the WSA to the north. This section was 400 m long. Another line led west from the port. At first it ran straight along the dike, then directly to the building and equipment yard of the WSA to the north. This section was 600 m long and also belonged to the WSA, although they only used the line sporadically.

A Schoema diesel locomotive with 26 hp provided motive power, and various luggage wagons were available. The WSA owned another Schoema built in 1949, but this was seldom used.

In autumn 1985 the use of the railway on baltrum came to an end. The locomotive was sold to a peat railway and the track was lifted. the freight shed is now rebuilt as a national park centre and the "Inselkammer" restaurant. Valid HTML 4.01 Strict